Residential Reports

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Important Inspection Information
Strata Maintenance REports

Before we come onsite, it is important that you read the following information to ensure a seamless inspection. Of particular note is our Scope & Limitations document. By allowing us on site, you confirm that you have read and agree to these terms. We are here to answer any questions so please feel free to contact us if you require more information.

The Unit Titles (Management) Act 2011 and associated regulations provides the framework for the management of multi-unit residential properties. All Owners Corporations are required to hold a Maintenance Plan, considering the Developers Maintenance Schedule (if available). The Executive Committee then references this plan as part of their responsibility for overseeing the maintenance of the common property. The Owners Corporation should regularly review their maintenance plan and amend when necessary. A comprehensive database relating to the maintenance, repair or replacement undertaken to systems, equipment, structures and other items on the common property, including copies of manuals and warranties (where available) has been compiled for this building.

IMPORTANT: The report is intended to be read in its entirety. It has been commissioned to satisfy the requirements of 4A Maintenance plan – Act, s 24 (3), Unit Titles Management Regulation 2011. The appropriate Strata Group Representative or Members of the Body Corporate Executive are requested to immediately contact our company if any of the report’s content is not fully understood and requires clarification or further explanation.

Manner of Inspection: visual only in normal lighting.


The purpose of the report is to collate a comprehensive data file on the building as it exists on the day of inspection. A Maintenance Plan is designed to provide the Management Group with a road map that identifies common areas of the building that must be monitored and maintained by the Owners Corporation. Areas included will comprise elements such as (but not limited to) structures, equipment, fittings, furniture, security access, fire protection, fencing, gates, common area painting and pool safety.


The report is not a comprehensive defect report. It is critical to understand that Residential Reports’ Inspectors are not experts on many of the building elements that form part of this plan and that our inspection was undertaken to create a datafile that will be subsequently used by external expert service providers during routine and safety inspections.

Any comments or observations made regarding defects or the condition of a building element are noted in this report as a courtesy. We are not required to report on defects and cannot guarantee or take responsibility for any or all defects that have or have not been identified. Inclusion of any observations is not confirmation that a comprehensive condition report has been supplied.


Prior to circulation of the report, it is the responsibility of the Strata Management Group and the Owners Corporatation Executive Committee to review the plan and ensure all common area elements have been identified. Common area elements vary from building to building, in most cases our inspection is undertaken without the escort of a Building Manager, it is therefore dependent on the documentation that has been supplied to us and our own discretion, to determine elements on the block that should be appropriately included in a maintenance plan. The document must be carefully vetted prior to the implementation of routine and safety maintenance protocols and we are available to update or amend as required.


Where Australian (or other) Standards have been referenced, these are subject to change or update and are simply used as a guide for the reader. When building elements are inspected and maintained by the industry expert during routine and safety inspections, they will subsequently confirm adherence to the relevant Standard.


We have arrived at Estimated Service Lifespans referenced in this document via (where available) industry research, expert building opinions, trade manuals, Australian Standards and experience. Our observations regarding the lifespan of a building element is subjective and in no way guarantees that the lifespan noted on the maintenance plan is definitive or without subject to change. We have not been supplied with comprehensive evidence of routine inspections and maintenance and are unable to predict incidents that may compromise the lifespan of the item, therefore, our recommendations should be used as a guide only. Our inspector has made an observation on the estimated year that major investment may be required for service, upgrade, repair or replacement of the building element. This is again a subjective observation and will be updated as subsequent routine and safety inspections are undertaken by the relevant expert. We cannot guarantee that the estimated year for capital expenditure is accurate and will be subject to change.


We have arrived at estimated inspection frequency based via (where available) industry research, expert building opinions, trade manuals, Australian Standards and experience. Our recommended inspection frequency should be cross referenced with the expert service provider for a particular building element and the expert technician’s advice should always be adhered to even if contrary to this document.


We work with the Strata Manager to estimate the next inspection date for each building element identified in this report. The date may be based on a past inspection (not previously conducted by our company) or we may provide a limited opinion on the next due date based on our observations on the day. Particularly where fire, pool and mechanical safety are of concern, the next date of inspection should be updated by the Strata Manager based on the most relevant past inspection on file.


If our inspector has tested a building element during the preparation of this maintenance plan and subsequently made comment, we confirm that this is not a comprehensive test by an industry expert and should not replace the attendance of an appropriately qualified technician to determine the condition of the element. Any observations are made by us as a courtesy, we are not required to undertake testing and cannot guarantee or take responsibility for any or all defects that have or have not been identified.

Safety & Reasonable Access

Australian Standard 4349.1 – 2007 3.2.2 – The extent of accessible areas shall be determined by the inspector at the time of inspection, based on the conditions encountered at the time of inspection. The inspector shall also determine whether sufficient space is available to allow safe access. The inspection shall include only accessible areas and areas that are within the inspector’s line of sight and close enough to enable reasonable appraisal.  The Australian Standard 4349.3 defines reasonable access as “areas where safe, unobstructed access is provided and the minimum clearances are available; or, where these clearances are not available, areas within the consultant’s unobstructed line of sight and within arm’s length. NOTE: Reasonable access does not include removing screws and bolts to access covers.”

Roof Cover Inspection – Work Health and Safety requirements determine that an inspector accessing a roof cover must be protected by harnessed safety lines and or edge protection. These safety measures are not practical during a presale inspection, therefore, this report is restricted to a “top-of-ladder” inspection. This report is not a guarantee that defects and/or damage do not exist in any part of the property not specifically seen and described by the inspector.  This report is not a warranty against problems that may develop in the future.

Ceiling Cavity Inspection – Work Health and Safety requirements determine that an inspector entering a ceiling cavity or similar space must have direct access to properly constructed walkways (sometimes referred to as catwalks) to eliminate the possibility of falling through the ceiling lining to the floor below, a fall that could result in serious injury. Generally, walkways are limited in a ceiling cavity so invariably sections of the roof structure will be inspected from a distance with the inherent limitations associated with limited access and often an impaired line-of-sight.

 Safety requirements prevent the inspector from traversing a ceiling cavity where safety elements are not available This report is not a guarantee that defects and/or damage do not exist in in inaccessible areas. 

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 – A non-residential building and the common property of some group residential buildings will fall within the definition of a workplace for the purposes of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011,

The owners of workplaces must ensure that:

  • premises are safe and without risk
  • plant and substances are used without risk
  • workers are trained in WHS, are aware of their obligations and do, in fact, act in a safe manner

Safe Working Temperatures for the Inspector – When the temperature of a workspace (for example a ceiling cavity) exceeds the level considered to be safe according to WHS guidelines, the inspector will complete a risk assessment and the inspection will be limited accordingly.  In the event that the inspector determines that the temperature exceeds safe working limits, generally, the inspection will be limited to the area immediately adjacent to the access for inspection.

The report is written solely for the use and benefit of:

The client named in report

The report is valid on the date of inspection.

NO LIABILITY or responsibility in contract or tort or statute is accepted to any Other Party who may rely on the report wholly or in part.  Any Other Party acting or relying on the report, wholly or in part, does so at their own risk.

NO LIABILITY or responsibility will be accepted if the invoice for the report is not settled.

NO LIABILITY shall be accepted where documents supplied by external agencies, the client or their representative, have any omissions, errors or are incomplete, inaccurate or illegible.

The report is only an opinion of Residential Reports and is valid for one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of inspection.

If it is claimed that there is any other omission relating to the report, Residential Reports must be notified in writing before ANY action is taken. NO LIABILITY shall be accepted where any costs (including for remedial action or professional advice) are incurred prior to Residential Reports receiving written notification.

If you have questions or do not understand any part of the document and require clarification, please contact our inspector prior to acting on the report.

Depending on the complexity of the building, we estimate that reports will be issued 3 to 5 days after inspection. Please note current sinking fund reports and any other data on file with management relating to building maintenance is crucial to ensure your report is complete, delays receiving this information will impact our turnaround.


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